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# celda: CEllular Latent Dirichlet Allocation
"celda" stands for "**CE**llular **L**atent **D**irichlet **A**llocation". It is a suite of Bayesian hierarchical models and supporting functions to perform gene and cell clustering for count data generated by single cell RNA-seq platforms. This algorithm is an extension of the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) topic modeling framework that has been popular in text mining applications. This package also includes a method called **DecontX** which can be used to estimate and remove contamination in single cell genomic data.
## Installation Instructions
To install the latest stable release of **celda** from [Bioconductor](http://bioconductor.org/packages/celda/) (requires R version >= 3.6):
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
The latest stable version of **celda** can be installed from GitHub using `devtools`:
The development version of **celda** can also be installed from GitHub using `devtools`:
**NOTE** For MAC OSX users, `devtools::install_github()` requires installation of **libgit2.** This can be installed via homebrew:
brew install libgit2
Also, if you receive installation errors when Rcpp is being installed and compiled, try following the steps outlined here to solve the issue:
If you are running R 4.0.0 or later version on MacOS Catalina and you see error `'wchar.h' file not found`, you can try the method in this link:
**NOTE** If you are trying to install **celda** using Rstudio and get this error: `could not find tools necessary to compile a package`, you can try this:
options(buildtools.check = function(action) TRUE)
## Vignettes and examples
To build the vignettes for Celda and DecontX during installation from GitHub, use the following command:
install_github("campbio/celda", build_vignettes = TRUE)
Note that installation may take an extra 5-10 minutes for building of the vignettes. The Celda and DecontX vignettes can then be accessed via the following commands:
## For developers
Check out our [Wiki](https://github.com/campbio/celda/wiki) for developer's guide if you want to contribute!
- [Celda Development Coding Style Guide](https://github.com/campbio/celda/wiki/Celda-Development-Coding-Style-Guide)
- [Celda Development Robust and Efficient Code](https://github.com/campbio/celda/wiki/Celda-Development-Robust-and-Efficient-Code)
- [Celda Development Rstudio configuration](https://github.com/campbio/celda/wiki/Celda-Development-Rstudio-configuration)
- [FAQ on how to use celda](https://github.com/campbio/celda/wiki/FAQ-on-how-to-use-celda)
- [FAQ on package development](https://github.com/campbio/celda/wiki/FAQ-on-package-development)