# barcodetrackR
[barcodetrackR](http://github.com/dunbarlabNIH/barcodetrackR) is an R package developed for the analysis and visualization of clonal tracking data from cellular barcoding experiments.
The R package and functions were created by Diego A. Espinoza, Ryland D. Mortlock, Samson J. Koelle, and others at Cynthia Dunbar's laboratory at the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institutes of Health.
## Installation
Three options for installation are available. For the most recent version of the package, install from GitHub using `remotes` or `devtools`. For stable versions of the package, see Bioconductor/Zenodo.
#### 1) GitHub installation
#### 2) Bioconductor installation
#coming soon!
#### 3) Zenodo installation
# v0.99.3 was frozen on Zenodo on 2021-03-16, prior to publication and can be accessed using the above DOI badge.
## Usage, and Documentation
Examples and documentation are available at: http://dunbarlabNIH.github.io/barcodetrackR/
Our preprint is available on [bioRxiv](https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.07.23.212787)
## Web App
To run the barcodetrackR app from the web, please visit: https://dunbarlabnih.shinyapps.io/barcode_app/
## Issues
Issues should be addressed to: https://github.com/dunbarlabNIH/barcodetrackR/issues