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# Save genomic ranges objects to file |Environment|Status| |---|---| |[BioC-release](|[![Release OK](](| |[BioC-devel](|[![Devel OK](](| The **alabaster.ranges** package implements methods for saving and loading `GRanges` and `GRangesList` objects under the **alabaster** framework. It provides a language-agnostic method for serializing genomic coordinates in these objects, as well as data in related objects like compressed lists. To get started, install the package and its dependencies from [Bioconductor]( ```r # install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install("alabaster.ranges") ``` We can then save a `GRanges` to a file, preserving its `metadata` and `mcols`: ```r library(GenomicRanges) gr <- GRanges("chrA", IRanges(sample(100), width=sample(100))) mcols(gr)$score <- runif(length(gr)) metadata(gr)$genome <- "Aaron" library(alabaster.ranges) tmp <- tempfile() saveObject(gr, tmp) roundtrip <- loadObject(tmp) class(roundtrip) ## [1] "GRanges" ## attr(,"package") ## [1] "GenomicRanges" ``` Same for a `GRangesList` to a file: ```r exons <- GRanges("chrA", IRanges(sample(100), width=sample(100))) genes <- split(exons, sample(LETTERS, 100, replace=TRUE)) mcols(genes)$score <- runif(length(genes)) metadata(genes)$genome <- "Aaron" library(alabaster.ranges) tmp <- tempfile() saveObject(genes, tmp) roundtrip <- loadObject(tmp) class(roundtrip) ## [1] "CompressedGRangesList" ## attr(,"package") ## [1] "GenomicRanges" ```