Make repetitive analyses of microarray and RNA-Seq data simpler with affycoretools.
The affycoretools package is primarily intended to make
analyses of Affymetrix GeneChip data simpler and more
straightforward. There are any number of packages
designed for preprocessing or analyzing Affy data, but
there are not so many that help streamline the analysis
to help create useful output that can be given to
The affycoretools package is also intended to be
used as a way to do reproducible research, where the
analysis and documentation are all held in a single file,
that is then processed by R to create the output data, as
well as a nicely formatted pdf that documents the
analysis. The affycoretools package can be used with
either Sweave or knitr documents, although these days
knitr is really the way to go.
In addition, affycoretools can be used with either
annaffy or ReportingTools to create useful output in HTML
or text format to share with your collaborators. However,
ReportingTools is being actively developed and
maintained, whereas annaffy is not, so the intention is
to slowly convert all the functions to primarily use