Package: TSAR
Type: Package
Title: Thermal Shift Analysis in R
Version: 1.5.0
Year: 2023
Authors@R: c(person("Xinlin", 
			email = "", 
			role = c("aut", "cre"),
			comment = c(ORCID = "0009-0002-2518-235X")),
		person(c("William", "M."), 
			email = "", 
			role = c("aut","fnd"),
			comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0001-6911-2172")),
		person(c("Stefan", "G."),
			email = "",
			role = c("fnd","aut","ths"),
			comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0002-5840-154X"))
Description: This package automates analysis workflow for Thermal Shift 
    Analysis (TSA) data. Processing, analyzing, and visualizing data through 
    both shiny applications and command lines. Package aims to simplify 
	data analysis and offer front to end workflow, from raw data to 
	multiple trial analysis.
License: AGPL-3
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: false
Testthat: true
RoxygenNote: 7.2.3
    dplyr (>= 1.0.7),
    ggplot2 (>= 3.3.5),
    ggpubr (>= 0.4.0),
    magrittr (>= 2.0.3),
    mgcv (>= 1.8.38),
    readxl (>= 1.4.0),
    stringr (>= 1.4.0),
    tidyr (>= 1.1.4),
    utils (>= 4.3.1),
    shiny (>=,
    plotly (>= 4.10.2),
    shinyjs (>= 2.1.0),
    jsonlite (>= 1.8.7),
    rhandsontable (>= 0.3.8),
    openxlsx (>=,
    shinyWidgets (>= 0.7.6),
    minpack.lm (>= 1.2.3)
    testthat (>= 3.0.0)
VignetteBuilder: knitr
biocViews: Software, ShinyApps, Visualization, qPCR
DataRaw: data/qPCR_data1.rda
DataRaw2: data/qPCR_data2.rda
DataRaw3: data/Well_Information.rda
DataRaw4: data/Well_Information_Template.rda
DataRawr: data/example_tsar_data.rda
    R (>= 4.3.0)
Config/testthat/edition: 3