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# Summix2
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Summix2 is a suite of methods that detect and leverage substructure in
genetic summary data. This package builds on Summix, a method that
estimates and adjusts for substructure in genetic summary that was
developed by the Hendricks Research Team at the University of Colorado
Find more details about Summix in our [**manuscript published in the
American Journal of Human
For individual function specifics in Summix2:
[**summix**](#summix) — [fast forward to
[**adjAF**](#adjaf) — [fast forward to example](#a-quick-demo-of-adjaf)
[**summix_local**](#summix_local) — [fast forward to
# Package Installation
To install this package, start R (version “4.3”) and run the following
``` r
if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
# summix
The *summix()* function estimates mixture proportions of reference
groups within genetic summary (allele frequency) data using sequential
quadratic programming performed with the [**slsqp()
in the nloptr package.
## *summix()* Input
Mandatory parameters are:
- **data**: A data frame of the observed and reference group allele
frequencies for N genetic variants.
- **reference**: A character vector of the column names for K reference
- **observed**: A character value that is the column name for the
observed group.
Optional parameters are:
- **pi.start**: Numeric vector of length K containing the user’s initial
guess for the reference group proportions. If not specified, this
defaults to 1/K where K is the number of reference groups.
- **goodness.of.fit**: Default value is *TRUE*. If set as *FALSE*, the
user will override the default goodness of fit measure and return the
raw objective loss from *slsqp()*.
- **override_removeSmallRef**: Default value is *FALSE*. If set as
*TRUE*, the user will override the automatic removal of reference
groups with \<1% global proportions - this is not recommended.
- **network**: Default value is FALSE. If set as TRUE, function will
return a network diagram with nodes as estimated substructure
proportions and edges as degree of similarity between the given node
- **N_reference**: numeric vector of the sample sizes for each of the K
reference groups; must be specified if network = “TRUE”.
- **reference_colors**: A character vector of length K that specifies
the color each reference group node in the network plot. If not
specified, this defaults to K random colors.
## summix() Output
A data frame with the following columns:
- **goodness.of.fit**: Scaled objective loss from *slsqp()* reflecting
the fit of the reference data. Values between 0.5-1.5 are considered
moderate fit and should be used with caution. Values greater than 1.5
indicate poor fit, and users should not perform further analyses using
- **iterations**: The number of iterations for the SLSQP algorithm
before best-fit reference group proportion estimates are found.
- **time**: The time in seconds before best-fit reference group mixture
proportion estimations are found by the SLSQP algorithm.
- **filtered**: The number of genetic variants not used in the reference
group mixture proportion estimation due to missing values.
- **K columns** of mixture proportions of reference groups input into
the function.
Additional Output if **summix_network** = *TRUE*:
- **Summix Network**: A network diagram with nodes as estimated
substructure proportions and edges as degree of similarity between the
given node pair; exportable as a png.
## adjAF
The *adjAF()* function adjusts allele frequencies to match reference
group substructure mixture proportions in a given target group or
## *adjAF()* Input
Mandatory parameters are:
- **data**: A data frame containing the unadjusted allele frequency for
the observed group and K reference group allele frequencies for N
genetic variants.
- **reference**: A character vector of the column names for K reference
- **observed**: A character value that is the column name for the
observed group.
- **pi.target**: A numeric vector of the mixture proportions for K
reference groups in the target group or individual.
- **pi.observed**: A numeric vector of the mixture proportions for K
reference groups in the observed group.
- **N_reference**: A numeric vector of the sample sizes for each of the
K reference groups that is in the same order as the reference
- **N_observed**: A numeric value of the sample size of the observed
- **adj_method**: User choice of method for the allele frequency
adjustment; options *“average”* and *“leave_one_out”* are available.
Defaults to *“average”*.
- **filter**: Sets adjusted allele frequencies equal to 1 if \> 1, to 0
if \> -.005 and \< 0, and removes adjusted allele frequencies \<
-.005. Default is *TRUE*.
## adjAF() Output
A data frame with the following columns:
- **pi**: A table of input reference groups, pi.observed, and pi.target.
- **observed.data**: The name of the data column for the observed group
from which the adjusted allele frequencies are estimated.
- **Nsnps**: The number of SNPs for which adjusted AF is estimated.
- **adjusted.AF**: A data frame of original data with an appended column
of adjusted allele frequencies.
- **effective.sample.size**: The sample size of individuals effectively
represented by the adjusted allele frequencies.
# summix_local
The *summix_local()* function estimates local substructure mixture
proportions in genetic summary data using the same *slspq()*
functionality as *summix()*. *summix_local()* also performs a selection
scan (optional) that identifies regions of selection along the given
## *summix_local()* Input
Mandatory parameters are:
- **data**: A data frame of the observed group and reference group
allele frequencies for N genetic variants on a single chromosome. Must
contain a column specifying the genetic variant positions.
- **reference**: A character vector of the column names for K reference
- **observed**: A character value that is the column name for the
observed group.
- **position_col**: A character value that is the column name for the
genetic variants positions. Default is *“POS”*.
- **maxStepSize**: A numeric value that defines the maximum gap in base
pairs between two consecutive genetic variants within a given window.
Default is 1000.
Optional parameters are:
- **algorithm**: User choice of algorithm to define local substructure
blocks; options *“fastcatch”* and *“windows”* are available.
*“windows”* uses a fixed window in a sliding windows algorithm.
*“fastcatch”* allows dynamic window sizes. The *“fastcatch”* algorithm
is recommended- though it is computationally slower. Default is
- **type**: User choice of how to define window size; options
*“variants”* and *“bp”* are available where *“variants”* defines
window size as the number of variants in a given window and *“bp”*
defines window size as the number of base pairs in a given window.
Default is *“variants”*.
- **override_fit**: Default is *FALSE*. If set as *TRUE*, the user will
override the auto-stop of *summix_local()* that occurs if the global
goodness of fit value is greater than 1.5 (indicating a poor fit of
the reference data to the observed data).
- **override_removeSmallAnc**: Default is *FALSE*. If set as *TRUE*, the
user will override the automatic removal of reference ancestries with
\<2% global proportions – this is not recommended.
- **selection_scan**: User option to perform a selection scan on the
given chromosome. Default is *FALSE*. If set as *TRUE*, a test
statistic will be calculated for each local substructure block. Note:
the user can expect extended computation time if this option is set as
Conditional parameters are:
If **algorithm** = *“windows”*:
- **windowOverlap**: A numeric value that defines the number of variants
or the number of base pairs that overlap between the given sliding
windows. Default is 200.
If **algorithm** = *“fastcatch”*:
- **diffThreshold**: A numeric value that defines the percent difference
threshold to mark the end of a local substructure block. Default is
If **type** = *“variants”*:
- **maxVariants**: A numeric value that specifies the maximum number of
genetic variants allowed to define a given window.
If **type** = *“bp”*:
- **maxWindowSize**: A numeric value that defines the maximum allowed
window size by the number of base pairs in a given window.
If **algorithm** = *“fastcatch”* and **type** = *“variants”*:
- **minVariants**: A numeric value that specifies the minimum number of
genetic variants allowed to define a given window.
If **algorithm** = *“fastcatch”* and **type** = *“bp”*:
- **minWindowSize**: A numeric value that specifies the minimum number
of base pairs allowed to define a given window.
If **selection_scan** = *TRUE*:
- **NSimRef**: A numeric vector of the sample sizes for each of the K
reference groups that is in the same order as the reference parameter.
This is used in a simulation framework that calculates within local
block substructure standard error.
## summix_local() Output
A data frame with a row for each local substructure block and the
following columns:
- **goodness.of.fit**: Scaled objective loss from *slsqp()* reflecting
the fit of the reference data. Values between 0.5-1.5 are considered
moderate fit and should be used with caution. Values greater than 1.5
indicate poor fit, and users should not perform further analyses using
- **iterations**: The number of iterations for the SLSQP algorithm
before best-fit reference group mixture proportion estimations are
- **time**: The time in seconds before best-fit reference group mixture
proportion estimations are found by the SLSQP algorithm.
- **filtered**: The number of genetic variants not used in the reference
group mixture proportion estimation due to missing values.
- **K columns** of mixture proportions of reference group in the given
local substructure block.
- **nSNPs**: The number of genetic variants in the given local
substructure block.
Additional Output if **selection_scan** = *TRUE*:
- **K columns** of local substructure test statistics for each reference
group in the given local substructure block.
- **K columns** of p-values for each reference group in the given local
substructure block. P-values calculated using the Student’s
t-distribution with degrees of freedom=(nSNPs in the block)-1.
# Examples using toy data in the Summix package
For quick runs of all demos, we suggest using the data saved within the
Summix library called ancestryData.
## A quick demo of summix()
The commands:
``` r
# load the data
# Estimate 5 reference group proportion values for the gnomAD African/African American group
# using a starting guess of .2 for each estimated proportion.
summix(data = ancestryData,
pi.start = c(.2, .2, .2, .2, .2),
#> goodness.of.fit iterations time filtered reference_AF_afr
#> 1 0.4853597 20 0.400059 secs 0 0.812142
#> reference_AF_eur reference_AF_iam
#> 1 0.169953 0.017905
Below is an example of creating a Summix Network plot.
``` r
Summix_output<- summix(data = ancestryData,
pi.start = c(.2, .2, .2, .2, .2),
network = TRUE,
N_reference = c(704, 787, 741, 47, 545), reference_colors = c("#FDE725FF", "#5DC863FF", "#21908CFF", "#3B528BFF", "#440154FF"))
Summix_Network <- Summix_output[[2]]

## A quick demo of adjAF()
The commands:
``` r
# load the data
adjusted_data<-adjAF(data = ancestryData,
reference = c("reference_AF_afr", "reference_AF_eur"),
observed = "gnomad_AF_afr",
pi.target = c(1, 0),
pi.observed = c(.85, .15),
adj_method = 'average',
N_reference = c(704,741),
N_observed = 20744,
filter = TRUE)
#> [1] "Note: In this AF adjustment, 0 SNPs (with adjusted AF > -.005 & < 0) were rounded to 0. 0 SNPs (with adjusted AF > 1) were rounded to 1, and 0 SNPs (with adjusted AF <= -.005) were removed from the final results."
#> [1] $pi
#> ref.group pi.observed pi.target
#> 1 reference_AF_afr 0.85 1
#> 2 reference_AF_eur 0.15 0
#> [1] $observed.data
#> [1] "observed AF data to update: 'gnomad_AF_afr'"
#> [1] $Nsnps
#> [1] 1000
#> [1] $effective.sample.size
#> [1] 18336
#> [1] "use $adjusted.AF$adjustedAF to see adjusted AF data"
#> [1] "Note: The accuracy of the AF adjustment is likely lower for rare variants (< .5%)."
#> POS REF ALT CHROM reference_AF_afr reference_AF_eas reference_AF_eur
#> 1 31652001 T A chr22 0.040925268 0 0.000000000
#> 2 34509945 C G chr22 0.217971527 0 0.000000000
#> 3 34636589 CAA C chr22 0.181117576 0 0.001149425
#> 4 38889885 A AAG chr22 0.007117446 0 0.000000000
#> 5 49160931 G T chr22 0.064056997 0 0.000000000
#> reference_AF_iam reference_AF_sas gnomad_AF_afr adjustedAF
#> 1 0 0 0.04171490 0.045000811
#> 2 0 0 0.18774500 0.219423999
#> 3 0 0 0.15198300 0.179859133
#> 4 0 0 0.00422064 0.006041453
#> 5 0 0 0.05445710 0.064062087
## A quick demo of summix_local()
The commands:
``` r
# load the data
results <- summix_local(data = ancestryData,
reference = c("reference_AF_afr",
NSimRef = c(704,787,741,47,545),
goodness.of.fit = T,
type = "variants",
algorithm = "fastcatch",
minVariants = 150,
maxVariants = 250,
maxStepSize = 1000,
diffThreshold = .02,
override_fit = F,
override_removeSmallAnc = TRUE,
selection_scan = T,
position_col = "POS")
#> [1] "Done getting LA proportions"
#> [1] "Running internal simulations for SE"
#> Time difference of 14.6037 mins
#> [1] "Discovered 7 LA blocks"
#> Start_Pos End_Pos goodness.of.fit iterations time filtered
#> 1 10595784 19258643 1.2555376 10 0.07431006 0
#> 2 19258643 25252606 0.5018649 13 0.06914687 0
#> 3 25252606 30743600 0.2304807 11 0.09435987 0
#> 4 30743600 35846592 0.2933341 14 0.06985497 0
#> 5 35846592 42706228 0.5480859 14 0.08147001 0
#> 6 42706228 47902876 0.2634092 11 0.07047892 0
#> 7 47902876 50791970 0.2891929 10 0.07448006 0
#> reference_AF_afr reference_AF_eas reference_AF_eur reference_AF_iam
#> 1 0.809208 0.000000 0.146185 0.034417
#> 2 0.816933 0.000000 0.161511 0.021556
#> 3 0.805795 0.002730 0.160926 0.000000
#> 4 0.820812 0.002558 0.161353 0.015276
#> 5 0.806428 0.016357 0.157855 0.019360
#> 6 0.810130 0.004046 0.181798 0.004025
#> 7 0.811265 0.000000 0.148492 0.019896
#> reference_AF_sas nSNPs t.reference_AF_afr.avg t.reference_AF_eas.avg
#> 1 0.010189 150 -0.42983402 -0.57246570
#> 2 0.000000 149 1.18423949 -1.12115283
#> 3 0.030550 149 -1.17237028 -0.16709502
#> 4 0.000000 149 2.16714328 -0.25417286
#> 5 0.000000 149 -1.20356079 2.59092514
#> 6 0.000000 149 -0.30990966 0.08074482
#> 7 0.020347 104 -0.04639998 -0.78998535
#> t.reference_AF_eur.avg t.reference_AF_iam.avg t.reference_AF_sas.avg
#> 1 -1.1638315 1.7969415 0.1184779
#> 2 0.2251513 0.7049114 -1.5471141
#> 3 0.1344480 -2.9091082 2.0429083
#> 4 0.2037762 -0.1515260 -1.4744624
#> 5 -0.2099120 0.4182795 -1.0374927
#> 6 2.7308539 -1.7056958 -1.3479503
#> 7 -1.0668582 0.4557509 1.0478613
#> p.reference_AF_afr p.reference_AF_eas p.reference_AF_eur p.reference_AF_iam
#> 1 1.33206678 1.43213645 1.753659817 0.07435691
#> 2 0.23820394 1.73597350 0.822170054 0.48196583
#> 3 1.75708055 1.13247816 0.893229762 1.99581985
#> 4 0.03181271 1.20028756 0.838806442 1.12023427
#> 5 1.76933192 0.01052294 1.165976886 0.67634501
#> 6 1.24293732 0.93575325 0.007079613 1.90985156
#> 7 1.03691957 1.56866612 1.711493802 0.64951928
#> p.reference_AF_sas
#> 1 0.90584749
#> 2 1.87604292
#> 3 0.04282398
#> 4 1.85753312
#> 5 1.69881293
#> 6 1.82027985
#> 7 0.29713165
Below is an example of plotting the reference group proportions
estimated in each block using *summix_local()*; where asterisks indicate
local substructure blocks that are at least nominally significant