# SpectralTAD
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Cresswell, Kellen G., John C. Stansfield, and Mikhail G. Dozmorov. “[SpectralTAD: An R Package for Defining a Hierarchy of Topologically Associated Domains Using Spectral Clustering](https://doi.org/10.1186/s12859-020-03652-w).” BMC Bioinformatics 21, no. 1 (December 2020): 319.
`SpectralTAD` is a TAD caller that uses a modified form of spectral clustering
to quickly identify hierarchical topologically associating domains (TADs).
Users input a contact matrix and receive a [BED](https://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQformat.html#format1) file
containing the coordinates of TADs and their levels in a hierarchy.
The Level 1 TADs are generally large, well-defined, while the subsequent levels
are less well-pronounced yet sufficiently distinct to be recognized as TADs.
The two main functions are `SpectralTAD()` and `SpectralTAD_Par()`.
`SpectralTAD()` is a function for calling TADs. `SpectralTAD_Par()`
is the parallelized version. The input data can be an n x n,
an n x (n+3), or a sparse 3-column matrix (see vignette (`browseVignettes("SpectralTAD"))
## Installation
If necessary, install the dependencies:
install.packages(c('dplyr', 'PRIMME', 'cluster',
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE))
The latest version of `SpectralTAD` can be directly installed from Github:
devtools::install_github('cresswellkg/SpectralTAD', build_vignettes = TRUE)
Alternatively, the package can be installed from Bioconductor (to be submitted):
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE))
## Input
There are three types of input accepted:
1. n x n contact matrices
2. n x (n+3) contact matrices
3. 3-column sparse contact matrices
These formats are explained in depth in the [vignette](vignettes/SpectralTAD.Rmd).
# Usage
## Multi-Level TADs
#Load example contact matrix
#Find TADs
tads = SpectralTAD(rao_chr20_25_rep, chr = "chr20", levels = 2, qual_filter = FALSE)
The output is a list where each entry corresponds to a level of the TAD hierarchy.
First level sample output:
chr start end Level
chr20 50000 1200000 1
chr20 1200000 2450000 1
chr20 2450000 3525000 1
chr20 3525000 4075000 1
Second level sample output:
chr start end Level
chr20 50000 550000 2
chr20 550000 675000 2
chr20 675000 1200000 2
chr20 1200000 1750000 2
## Citation
Cresswell, Kellen G., John C. Stansfield, and Mikhail G. Dozmorov. "SpectralTAD: an R package for defining a hierarchy of Topologically Associated Domains using spectral clustering." BMC bioinformatics 21, no. 1 (2020): 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12859-020-03652-w
title={SpectralTAD: an R package for defining a hierarchy of Topologically Associated Domains using spectral clustering},
author={Cresswell, Kellen G and Stansfield, John C and Dozmorov, Mikhail G},
journal={BMC bioinformatics},
## Contributions & Support
Suggestions for new features and bug reports are welcome. Please, create a new
issue for any of these or contact the author directly:
@cresswellkg (cresswellkg[at]vcu[dot]edu)
## Contributors
Authors: @cresswellkg (cresswellkg[at]vcu[dot]edu) & @mdozmorov (mikhail.dozmorov[at]vcuhealth[dot]org)