# `MassQL` for `Spectra`
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The Mass Spec Query Language
([MassQL](https://mwang87.github.io/MassQueryLanguage_Documentation/)) is a
domain specific language meant to be a succinct way to express a query in a mass
spectrometry (MS) centric fashion. It is inspired by SQL, but it attempts to
bake in assumptions of MS to make querying much more natural for MS users.
The *SpectraQL* package provides support for the MassQL language in R,
for MS data represented by `Spectra` objects defined in Bioconductor's
[Spectra](https://bioconductor.org/packages/Spectra) package.
For an introduction and use cases see the [package
or the [package
# Contributions
Contributions are highly welcome and should follow the [contribution
Also, please check the coding style guidelines in the [RforMassSpectrometry
# License
The *SpectraQL* code is provided under a permissive [Artistic 2.0
license](https://opensource.org/licenses/Artistic-2.0). The
documentation, including the manual pages and the vignettes, are
distributed under a [CC BY-SA