#' combined adjusted coefficient of variation #' #' Calculates the sum of the column standard devation divided by the sum of the column mean and a small value to avoid dividing by 0 (\code{eps}) #' #' @param X data.frame or matrix of numeric data #' @param eps small value to add to the mean to avoid dividing by 0; defaults to 1e-4 #' #' @return returns the sum of the coefficients of variation for all columns of \code{X} #' #' @export #' #' @keywords internal #' #' @examples #' comb_cv( data.frame( test1=rep(0,5), test2=c(0.2,0.3,0.35,0.27,0.21) ) ) comb_cv <- function(X, eps = 1e-04) { Y <- as.matrix(X) sd.Y <- apply(Y, 2, stats::sd) mean.Y <- apply(Y, 2, mean) return(sum(sd.Y / (mean.Y + eps))) }