Package: RLMM Version: 1.69.0 Date: 2005-09-02 Title: A Genotype Calling Algorithm for Affymetrix SNP Arrays Author: Nusrat Rabbee <>, Gary Wong <> Maintainer: Nusrat Rabbee <> Description: A classification algorithm, based on a multi-chip, multi-SNP approach for Affymetrix SNP arrays. Using a large training sample where the genotype labels are known, this aglorithm will obtain more accurate classification results on new data. RLMM is based on a robust, linear model and uses the Mahalanobis distance for classification. The chip-to-chip non-biological variation is removed through normalization. This model-based algorithm captures the similarities across genotype groups and probes, as well as thousands other SNPs for accurate classification. NOTE: 100K-Xba only at for now. License: LGPL (>= 2) Depends: R (>= 2.1.0) Imports: graphics, grDevices, MASS, stats, utils SystemRequirements: Internal files Xba.CQV, Xba.regions (or other regions file) URL: biocViews: Microarray, OneChannel, SNP, GeneticVariability