Name Mode Size
.Rd2pdf2581 040000
R 040000
inst 040000
man 040000
vignettes 040000
.gitignore 100644 0 kb
DESCRIPTION 100644 1 kb
GMQL.Rproj 100644 0 kb
NAMESPACE 100644 2 kb 100644 1 kb
# RGMQL ## Settings put scala in folder OSX /usr/local/ create symbolic links as instruction below sudo ln -s /usr/local/scala-2.11.8 /usr/local/scala sudo ln -s /usr/local/scala-2.11.8 /usr/local/share/scala edit .bash_profile, add these export SCALA_HOME=/usr/local/share/scala export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_79.jdk/Contents/Home export PATH=$PATH edit /etc/paths add these /usr/local/scala/bin $SCALA_HOME/bin $JAVA_HOME/bin this setting prevents warning in RStudio when creating scala interpreter object cat: /no such file or directory in Rstudio after create interpreter and call info function in R we got this warning > rscala::scalaInfo(verbose = T) Searching for a suitable Scala installation. * FAILURE: 'scala.home' argument is NULL * FAILURE: SCALA_HOME () environment variable * ATTEMPT: Found a candidate (/usr/local/scala-2.11.8/bin/scala) * SUCCESS: 'scala' in the shell's search path don-t worry is ok! (I don't know what happen with other R "editor" or using R through command line) ## for local "compiling" I didn't put the jar file in repository cause are ~ 100MB after cloned or downloaded the git create a folder "inst" inside GMQL then create folder "java" inside it we should have this structure: GMQL |-->inst |-->java then copy the "uber-GMQL-R-1.0.jar" file inside "java". rename it to GMQL.jar or create a symbolic link GMQL.jar