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<!-- badges: start --> [![R-CMD-check](]( [![lint](]( <!-- badges: end --> ## PanomiR Walkthrough ### Under-development version. Unauthorized use of code not permitted. ### For inquiries contact <> PanomiR is a package to detect miRNAs that target groups of pathways from gene expression data. Here, we describe the work flow of PanomiR along with different steps of the package. The working directory should be set to the `R` folder. The following are initial set for the program. The main input at this stage are as follows: 1. A table of pathway membership. In each row there is a name of a pathway and a gene that belongs to it. 2. A gene expression dataset. 3. A table of covariates. 4. A list of covariates that you would like to adjust for. 5. Output and datadirectories. Here we use an example from TCGA Liver Hepatocellular Carcinoma (LIHC) to demonstrate the utility of PanomiR. ``` r source('01-DifferentialPathwayAnalysis.R') source('02-MappingPathwaysClusters.R') source('03-miRNAPathwayEnrichment.R') source('04-miRNAPrioritization.R') source('05-miRNAPathwayCorrelation.R') pathways <- readRDS('../data/preprocessed/MSigDBPathGeneTab.RDS') genes.counts <- readRDS('../data/LIHC_gene.RDS') covariates <- read.csv('../data/TCGA-LIHC-COV.csv', row.names = 1) condition = 'shortLetterCode' out.dir = 'output/' data.dir = 'data/' output0 <- DifferentialPathwayAnalysis(genes.counts, pathways, covariates, condition, adjust.covars='plate') ``` Next step is to Map differentially expressed pathways to a precalculated network of pathway correlations to find modules of DE-pathways. The function `MappingPathwayClusters` can take different graph clustering algorithms. Here we use a for loop to determine readouts for different clustering methods. ``` r de.paths <- output0$DEP # Precalculated pcxn <- readRDS('../data/GeneSets/improved_PCxN_MSigDB.RDS') func_list <- c("cluster_edge_betweenness", "cluster_infomap", "cluster_fast_greedy", "cluster_louvain") pathway.clusters <- list() for(func in func_list){ temp.clusters <- MappingPathwaysClusters(pcxn = pcxn, de.paths = de.paths[1:300,], out.dir= out.dir, subplot = F, top.paths = 200, prefix= paste0('top200_',func), cor.thresh = 0.1, clust.fn = get(func), = paste0("Pathways_", func, ".csv")) temp.clusters$method <- func pathway.clusters[[func]] <- temp.clusters } Reduce(rbind,pathway.clusters) ``` Next for each miRNA background, the individual pathway targeting scores are calculated. This is a key step for calculating targeting in groups of pathways. We will provide pre-calculated miRNA-Pathway associations so the users can skip this step. ``` r # This file is Tarbase interactions. It is not provided. # Users who need it need to contact Tarbase development team mir.sets <- readRDS('../data/preprocessed/NORMALIZED_MIRSETS.rds') # The list of processed targetScan targets. Freely available. mir.sets.list <- list.files("../data/preprocessed/", pattern = "TargetScan", full.names = T) pathways.sets <- readRDS('../data/GeneSets/MSigDB.RDS') # background genes and miRNAs for tissue costumization genes.selection <- rownames(genes.counts) mirna.counts <- readRDS('../data/TCGA-LIHC-miRNAs_residuals.RDS') mir.selection <- names(mir.sets) # Calculating tarbase enrichment enriches0 <- miRNAPathwayEnrichment(mir.sets, pathways.sets, genes.selection = genes.selection, mir.selection = mir.selection, = 'LIHCGenesLIHCMirsENRICHMENT_Tarbase.RDS', out.dir= data.dir) # Calculating TargetScan enrichment. for (mirs in mir.sets.list){ tag <- tail(unlist(stringr::str_split(mirs,pattern = "_")),1) mir.sets <- readRDS(mirs) name.tag <- paste0("LIHCGenesLIHCMirsENRICHMENT_",tag) mir.selection2 <- names(mir.sets) print(paste0("performing: ", tag)) enriches0 <- miRNAPathwayEnrichment(mir.sets, pathways.sets, genes.selection = genes.selection, mir.selection = mir.selection2, = name.tag, out.dir= data.dir) } ``` Next for each miRNA background and for each clustering algorithm, the miRNA targeting scores are calculated. Choice of appropriate algorithms are left to users. ``` r func_list <- c("cluster_edge_betweenness", "cluster_infomap", "cluster_fast_greedy", "cluster_louvain") # Calculating miRNA targeting scores for miRNA-pathway interaction from Tarbase for(func in func_list){ # While we have prepared several scoring methods. We only use AggInv. # Other scoring options will be discussed in future developments. method <- c('AggInv') top.clusters <- pathway.clusters[[func]] enriches0 <- readRDS(paste0(data.dir,"LIHCGenesLIHCMirsENRICHMENT_Tarbase.RDS")) print(paste0("performing: ", func)) output2 <- miRNAPrioritization2(enriches0, top.clusters, method, out.dir=paste0(out.dir,func, '_Prioritization_', "Tarbase", '/'), data.dir=data.dir, samp.rate=1000, prefix=paste0('x2_LIHCGene_',"Tarbase"), save.jack.knife=F, save.csv=T, num.cores = 8, top.clust=3) } # Calculating miRNA targeting scores for different miRNA-pathway interaction # background from TargetScan for(func in func_list){ method <- c('AggInv') top.clusters <- pathway.clusters[[func]] for (mirs in mir.sets.list) { tag <- tail(unlist(stringr::str_split(mirs,pattern = "_")),1) mir.sets <- readRDS(mirs) name.tag <- paste0("LIHCGenesLIHCMirsENRICHMENT_",tag) tag <- gsub(".rds","",tag) enriches0 <- readRDS(paste0(data.dir,name.tag)) print(paste0("performing: ", tag)) output2 <- miRNAPrioritization2(enriches0, top.clusters, method, out.dir=paste0(out.dir,func, '_Prioritization_', tag, '/'), data.dir=data.dir, samp.rate=1000, prefix=paste0('x2_LIHCGene_',tag), save.jack.knife=F, save.csv=T, num.cores = 8, top.clust=3) } } ```