# NewWave
A scalable R package for dimensionality reduction and batch effect removal
of single-cell RNA-seq data.
## How to install
NewWave is available on Bioconductor!
## How to use
If you have your data stored in a SummarizedExperiment object with
batch effect variable called "batch" stored in colData then:
newWave(data,X = "~batch")
In the X matrix you can teoretically store any variable related to the cell, both quantitative and qualitative. If you a batch variable, it must be a factor.
A complete case of use is shown in the vignette.
In the link to the workshop you can find a more detailed explanation plus an
example of the usage with DelayedArray and HDF5 files.
## Useful links
[EuroBioc2020 workshop](https://fedeago.github.io/SurfingNewWave/)
[ZINB-WaVE article](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-017-02554-5)
[ZINB-WaVE package](https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/zinbwave.html)
[SharedObject package](https://github.com/Jiefei-Wang/SharedObject)