Name Mode Size
.github 040000
R 040000
data 040000
inst 040000
man 040000
tests 040000
vignettes 040000
.Rbuildignore 100644 0 kb
.gitignore 100644 1 kb
.travis.yml 100644 0 kb
DESCRIPTION 100644 2 kb
NAMESPACE 100644 0 kb 100644 1 kb
# MSstatsLOBD <!-- badges: start --> [![Travis build status](]( <!-- badges: end --> ## Installation This development version is only available on Github: ``` devtools::install_github("Vitek-Lab/MSstatsLOBD", build_vignettes = TRUE) ``` ## Contributing We welcome contributions from the community. For details on how to contribute to the development of MSstatsLOBD, please refer to the [CONTRIBUTING]( file. ## License [Artistic-2.0](