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MSPrep ====== ### Introduction `MSPrep` provides a convenient set of functionalities used in the pre-analytic processing pipeline for mass spectrometry based metabolomics data. Functions are included for the following processes commonly performed prior to analysis of such data: 1. Summarization of technical replicates (if available) 2. Filtering of metabolites 3. Imputation of missing values 4. Transformation, normalization, and batch correction Original manuscript published in [Bioinformatics](, and package is hosted by [Bioconductor]( Additional helpful links: 1. [Vignette providing detailed instructions with examples]( 2. [Reference Manual describing function usage]( ### Installation Install via Bioconductor: if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install("MSPrep") Install via Github: if (!require("devtools")) install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_github("KechrisLab/MSPrep") ### Examples Two examples are provided below. For more detailed information see the package Vignette which can be accessed [via Bioconductor]( or by using the following R command following package installation: ```s vignette("using_MSPrep", package = "MSPrep") ``` The following code loads the example data set, `MSQuant`, summarizes its technical replicates, filters metabolites by only keeping those which are present in 80% of samples, imputes missing values using k-nearest neighbors, applies a log base ten transformation, and finally normalizes and batch corrects the data set using quantile normalization and ComBat batch correction. Data is then returned as a `data.frame`. ```s library(MSPrep) data(msquant) preparedDF <- msPrepare(msquant, minPropPresent = 1/3, missingValue = 1, filterPercent = 0.8, imputeMethod = "knn", transform = "log10", normalizeMethod = "quantile + ComBat", covariatesOfInterest = c("spike"), compVars = c("mz", "rt"), sampleVars = c("spike", "batch", "replicate", "subject_id"), colExtraText = "Neutral_Operator_Dif_Pos_", separator = "_") ``` The second example uses the data set `COPD_131`. The raw data set can be found [here, at Metabolomics Workbench.]( The code loads the data set, summarizes its technical replicates, filters metabolites by only keeping those which are present in 80% of samples, imputes missing values using BPCA imputation, and finally normalizes the data set using median normalization. Data is then returned as a `SummarizedExperiment` by setting the argument `returnToSE = TRUE`. ```s library(MSPrep) data(COPD_131) preparedSE <- msPrepare(COPD_131, minPropPresent = 1/3, filterPercent = 0.8, missingValue = 0, imputeMethod = "bpca", nPcs = 3, normalizeMethod = "median", transform = "none", compVars = c("Mass", "Retention.Time", "Compound.Name"), sampleVars = c("subject_id", "replicate"), colExtraText = "X", separator = "_", returnToSE = TRUE) ``` ### Bug Reports Report bugs as issues on the [GitHub repository new issue](