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DESCRIPTION 100644 1 kb
NAMESPACE 100644 2 kb
NEWS 100644 3 kb
README.txt 100644 6 kb
README.txt for MLInterfaces, Jun 19 2015 hclustWidget has been added to demonstrate roles for shiny, fpc, and ggvis in tuning cluster analysis. README.txt for MLInterfaces, Sep 16 2008 The *B methods have been removed. The NAMESPACE is used to reduce the number of symbols/classes/methods in play. Handling of unsupervised learning via MLearn is in design. README.txt for MLInterfaces, Sept 9 2007 Version 2.0 of MLInterfaces is imminent; I hope it will be available by Sept 24. Version 1.11.15+ includes a number of new approaches to simplify maintenance and extensibility Basic approach: A learner function defined in a package with a namespace, that uses a formula interface, and that has a predict method, is the most reasonable case and the one that the interface design is based on. A schema object is defined to provide access to such learners and to define how their outputs are converted to standard structures. 1) It is intended that all use will be through MLearn(formula, data, ...) a) The simplest usage is MLearn(formula, data, learnerSchema, trainInds). Instances of learnerSchema identify the package and function constituting the learner, and include a converter function with standard calling sequence that converts results of the learner function into a classifierOutput or clusteringOutput instance. classifierOutput is currently defined, and it manages the predictions (test and train) and any goodness of prediction information produced. It also includes the call and the full representation of the learner's output. When feature selection has been used in cross-validation, the 'history' of feature selection is retained. b) Cross-validation is carried out using MLearn(formula, data, learnerSchema, xvalSpec, ...) Instances of xvalSpec define the partitioning of the data. Of note is that the former implementations of xval/xvalML did not generate MLOutput instances, but the new implementation will generate objects identical in nature to those produced in the train/test scheme described in 1a) At present MLearn+xvalSpec yields has all functionality of previous versions (including support for functionally specified partition) but the way of handling feature selection is different. Instead of returning a set of feature scores, the function defining feature selection needs to return a formula that includes the chosen features. An example of this is given with help(MLearn), and also shown below. One feature that is not retained with MLearn+xvalSpec is the xvalLoop generic with its support for cluster computing. I will introduce that ASAP, when I have a working example. c) So far, only supervised learning is handled in the new approach. Now that cross-validation is working, I will start to deal with unsupervised methods. d) A brief vignette that describes basic architecture with examples is in in MLint_devel.Rnw. This will be elaborated soon. 2) Back-compatibility and deprecation. I have left the *B methods in place, but they have been sequestered into a single file Bmethods.R. Eventually they will be deprecated, possibly by Sept 24. The old version of MLearn, which uses a string to identify the learner and a switch statement to act, is retained for now but I do not intend to improve it in any way. There was a problem with parameter capture in this design that motivated the move to a schematic approach to learner specification. It can stay indefinitely; we will just discourage use of strings and encourage the use of schema objects to specify learners. 3) Benefits. The primary MLearn method definition is 18 lines long. Converter functions are typically around 8 lines long, and vary primarily because of the different approaches to the 'predict' generic taken in various machine learning packages. We will not need a separate xval wrapper. 4) Costs. The calling sequence is modified slightly, so we would have MLearn(sp~CL+RW, crabs, ldaI, c(1:25, 101:125)) instead of MLearn(sp~CL+RW, crabs, "lda", c(1:25, 101:125)). In most cases, tuning parameters are passed using ... after the trainInd or xvalSpec. Some learners have such idiosyncratic implementations (no formula interface, no predict method) that bridge methods need to be defined, and the schemas are specified using closures to fix the tuning parameters: knnI(k=3,l=1) for example. I would like to handle all tuning parameters uniformly, but this minority of learners cannot be allowed to force major complexities on this package. 5) Examples a) A simple formula+data frame test vs train exercise: rf1 = MLearn(sp~CW+RW, data=crabs, randomForestI, kp, ntree=600 ) confuMat(rf1) b) Cross-validation, LOO: nn1cv = MLearn(sp~CW+RW, data=crabs[c(1:20,101:120),], nnetI, xvalSpec("LOO"), size=3, decay=.01 ) c) 5-fold cross-validation, partitions are balanced with respect to outcome class frequencies nn2cv = MLearn(sp~CW+RW, data=crabs[c(1:20,101:120),], nnetI, xvalSpec("LOG",5, balKfold.xvspec(5)), size=3, decay=.01 ) d) 5-fold cross-validation, feature selection using top 25% of features when ranked by two-sample t. First define the fsFun: fsFun.rowtQ3 = function(formula, data) { # facilitation of a rowttests with a formula/data.frame takes a little work mf = model.frame(formula, data) mm = model.matrix(formula, data) respind = attr( terms(formula, data=data), "response" ) x = mm if ("(Intercept)" %in% colnames(x)) x = x[,-which(colnames(x) == "(Intercept)")] y = mf[, respind] respname = names(mf)[respind] nuy = length(unique(y)) if (nuy > 2) warning("number of unique values of response exceeds 2") #dm = t(data.matrix(x)) #dm = matrix(as.double(dm), nr=nrow(dm)) # rowttests seems fussy ans = abs( rowttests(t(x), factor(y), tstatOnly=TRUE)[[1]] ) names(ans) = colnames(x) ans = names( ans[ which(ans > quantile(ans, .75) ) ] ) btick = function(x) paste("`", x, "`", sep="") # support for nonsyntactic varnames as.formula( paste(respname, paste(btick(ans), collapse="+"), sep="~")) } now deploy library(golubEsets) data(Golub_Train) litg = Golub_Train[ 100:150, ] g1 = MLearn(ALL.AML~. , litg, nnetI, xvalSpec("LOG",5, balKfold.xvspec(5), fsFun=fsFun.rowtQ3), size=3, decay=.01 ) confuMat(g1) fsHistory(g1) the fsFun is messy, and the acceptance criterion can be factored out to give more flexibility, eventually