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.github 040000
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.Rbuildignore 100755 0 kb
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DESCRIPTION 100644 3 kb
LICENSE 100755 0 kb 100755 1 kb
NAMESPACE 100755 3 kb 100755 2 kb
README.Rmd 100755 1 kb 100755 1 kb
<!-- is generated from README.Rmd. Please edit that file --> # HicAggR <a href=''><img src='man/figures/logo.png' align="right" /></a> <!-- badges: start --> [![R-CMD-check](]( [![Codecov test coverage](]( <!-- badges: end --> This package provides a set of functions useful in the analysis of 3D genomic interactions. It includes the import of standard HiC data formats into R and HiC normalisation procedures. The main objective of this package is to improve the visualization and quantification of the analysis of HiC contacts through aggregation. <img src='man/figures/pkgPresentation.png' /> ## Installation Development version is avalaible from [GitHub]( ``` r remotes::install_github("CuvierLab/HicAggR") ``` ## Documentation [HicAggR](