# HiCDOC: Compartments prediction and differential analysis with multiple replicates
HiCDOC normalizes intrachromosomal Hi-C matrices, uses unsupervised learning to
predict A/B compartments from multiple replicates, and detects significant
compartment changes between experiment conditions.
It provides a collection of functions assembled into a pipeline:
1. [Filter](#filtering-data):
1. Remove chromosomes which are too small to be useful.
2. Filter sparse replicates to remove uninformative replicates with few
3. Filter positions (*bins*) which have too few interactions.
2. [Normalize](#normalizing-biases):
1. Normalize technical biases using
[cyclic loess normalization][multihiccompare-publication], so that
matrices are comparable.
2. Normalize biological biases using
[Knight-Ruiz matrix balancing][knight-ruiz-publication], so that
all the bins are comparable.
3. Normalize the distance effect, which results from higher interaction
proportions between closer regions, with a MD loess.
3. [Predict](#predicting-compartments-and-differences):
1. Predict compartments using
[constrained K-means][constrained-k-means-publication].
2. Detect significant differences between experiment conditions.
4. [Visualize](#visualizing-data-and-results):
1. Plot the interaction matrices of each replicate.
2. Plot the overall distance effect on the proportion of interactions.
3. Plot the compartments in each chromosome, along with their concordance
(confidence measure) in each replicate, and significant changes between
experiment conditions.
4. Plot the overall distribution of concordance differences.
5. Plot the result of the PCA on the compartments' centroids.
6. Plot the boxplots of self interaction ratios (differences between self
interactions and the medians of other interactions) of each compartment,
which is used for the A/B classification.
# Table of contents
* [Installation](#installation)
* [Quick Start](#quick-start)
* [Usage](#quick-start)
* [Importing Hi-C data](#importing-hi-c-data)
* [Tabular files](#tabular-files)
* [Cooler files](#cooler-files)
* [Juicer files](#juicer-files)
* [HiC-Pro files](#hic-pro-files)
* [Running the HiCDOC pipeline](#running-the-hicdoc-pipeline)
* [Filtering data](#filtering-data)
* [Normalizing biases](#normalizing-biases)
* [Predicting compartments and differences](#predicting-compartments-and-differences)
* [Visualizing data and results](#visualizing-data-and-results)
* [References](#references)
# Installation
To install, execute the following commands in your console:
Rscript -e 'install.packages("devtools")'
Rscript -e 'devtools::install_github("mzytnicki/HiCDOC")'
After installation, the package can be loaded in R >= 4.0:
# Quick Start
To try out HiCDOC, load the simulated toy data set:
hic.experiment <- exampleHiCDOCDataSet
Then run the default pipeline on the created object:
hic.experiment <- HiCDOC(hic.experiment)
And plot some results:
plotCompartmentChanges(hic.experiment, chromosome = 'Y')
# Usage
## Importing Hi-C data
HiCDOC can import Hi-C data sets in various different formats:
- Tabular `.tsv` files.
- Cooler `.cool` or `.mcool` files.
- Juicer `.hic` files.
- HiC-Pro `.matrix` and `.bed` files.
### Tabular files
A tabular file is a tab-separated multi-replicate sparse matrix with a header:
chromosome position 1 position 2 C1.R1 C1.R2 C2.R1 ...
3 1500000 7500000 145 184 72 ...
The interaction proportions between `position 1` and `position 2` of
`chromosome` are reported in each `condition.replicate` column. There is no
limit to the number of conditions and replicates.
To load Hi-C data in this format:
hic.experiment <- HiCDOCDataSetFromTabular('path/to/data.tsv')
### Cooler files
To load `.cool` or `.mcool` files generated by [Cooler][cooler-documentation]:
# Path to each file
paths = c(
# Replicate and condition of each file. Can be names instead of numbers.
replicates <- c(1, 2, 1, 2, 1)
conditions <- c(1, 1, 2, 2, 3)
# Resolution to select in .mcool files
binSize = 500000
# Instantiation of data set
hic.experiment <- HiCDOCDataSetFromCool(
replicates = replicates,
conditions = conditions,
binSize = binSize # Specified for .mcool files.
### Juicer files
To load `.hic` files generated by [Juicer][juicer-documentation]:
# Path to each file
paths = c(
# Replicate and condition of each file. Can be names instead of numbers.
replicates <- c(1, 2, 1, 2, 1)
conditions <- c(1, 1, 2, 2, 3)
# Resolution to select
binSize <- 500000
# Instantiation of data set
hic.experiment <- HiCDOCDataSetFromHiC(
replicates = replicates,
conditions = conditions,
binSize = binSize
### HiC-Pro files
To load `.matrix` and `.bed` files generated by [HiC-Pro][hicpro-documentation]:
# Path to each matrix file
matrixPaths = c(
# Path to each bed file
bedPaths = c(
# Replicate and condition of each file. Can be names instead of numbers.
replicates <- c(1, 2, 1, 2, 1)
conditions <- c(1, 1, 2, 2, 3)
# Instantiation of data set
hic.experiment <- HiCDOCDataSetFromHiCPro(
matrixPaths = matrixPaths,
bedPaths = bedPaths,
replicates = replicates,
conditions = conditions
## Running the HiCDOC pipeline
Once your data is loaded, you can run all the filtering, normalization, and
prediction steps with:
hic.experiment <- HiCDOC(hic.experiment)
This one-liner runs all the steps detailed below.
### Filtering data
Remove small chromosomes of length smaller than 100 positions:
hic.experiment <- filterSmallChromosomes(hic.experiment, threshold = 100)
Remove sparse replicates filled with less than 30% non-zero interactions:
hic.experiment <- filterSparseReplicates(hic.experiment, threshold = 0.3)
Remove weak positions with less than 1 interaction in average:
hic.experiment <- filterWeakPositions(hic.experiment, threshold = 1)
### Normalizing biases
Normalize technical biases such as sequencing depth:
hic.experiment <- normalizeTechnicalBiases(hic.experiment)
Normalize biological biases (such as GC content, number of restriction sites,
hic.experiment <- normalizeBiologicalBiases(hic.experiment)
Normalize the distance effect resulting from higher interaction proportions
between closer regions:
hic.experiment <- normalizeDistanceEffect(hic.experiment, loessSampleSize = 20000)
### Predicting compartments and differences
Predict A and B compartments and detect significant differences:
hic.experiment <- detectCompartments(
kMeansDelta = 0.0001,
kMeansIterations = 50,
kMeansRestarts = 20
## Visualizing data and results
Plot the interaction matrix of each replicate:
plotInteractions(hic.experiment, chromosome = '3')
Plot the overall distance effect on the proportion of interactions:
List and plot compartments with their concordance (confidence measure) in each
replicate, and significant changes between experiment conditions:
plotCompartmentChanges(hic.experiment, chromosome = '3')
Plot the overall distribution of concordance differences:
Plot the result of the PCA on the compartments' centroids:
plotCentroids(hic.experiment, chromosome = '3')
Plot the boxplots of self interaction ratios (differences between self
interactions and the median of other interactions) of each compartment:
plotSelfInteractionRatios(hic.experiment, chromosome = '3')
# References
John C Stansfield, Kellen G Cresswell, Mikhail G Dozmorov, multiHiCcompare:
joint normalization and comparative analysis of complex Hi-C experiments,
_Bioinformatics_, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btz048
Philip A. Knight, Daniel Ruiz, A fast algorithm for matrix balancing, _IMA
Journal of Numerical Analysis_, Volume 33, Issue 3, July 2013, Pages 1029–1047,
Kiri Wagstaff, Claire Cardie, Seth Rogers, Stefan Schrödl, Constrained K-means
Clustering with Background Knowledge, _Proceedings of 18th International
Conference on Machine Learning_, 2001, Pages 577-584,
[multihiccompare-publication]: https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btz048
[knight-ruiz-publication]: https://doi.org/10.1093/imanum/drs019
[constrained-k-means-publication]: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/0bac/ca0993a3f51649a6bb8dbb093fc8d8481ad4.pdf
[cooler-documentation]: https://cooler.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
[juicer-documentation]: https://github.com/aidenlab/juicer/wiki/Data
[hicpro-documentation]: https://github.com/nservant/HiC-Pro