Name Mode Size
CellBench-package.Rd 100644 1 kb
all_unique.Rd 100644 0 kb
any_task_errors.Rd 100644 1 kb
apply_methods.Rd 100644 2 kb
arrow_sep.Rd 100644 1 kb
as_pipeline_list.Rd 100644 1 kb
cache_method.Rd 100644 1 kb
cellbench_case_study.Rd 100644 0 kb
cellbench_file.Rd 100644 1 kb
check_class.Rd 100644 1 kb
clear_cached_datasets.Rd 100644 0 kb
clear_cellbench_cache.Rd 100644 0 kb
collapse_pipeline.Rd 100644 1 kb
data_list.Rd 100644 1 kb
filter_zero_genes.Rd 100644 0 kb
fn_arg_seq.Rd 100644 1 kb
fn_list.Rd 100644 0 kb
is.task_error.Rd 100644 1 kb
keep_high_count_cells.Rd 100644 1 kb
keep_high_count_genes.Rd 100644 1 kb
keep_high_var_genes.Rd 100644 1 kb
load_all_data.Rd 100644 1 kb
mhead.Rd 100644 1 kb
print.fn_arg_seq.Rd 100644 0 kb
print.task_error.Rd 100644 0 kb
sample_cells.Rd 100644 1 kb
sample_genes.Rd 100644 1 kb
sample_sce_data.Rd 100644 1 kb
set_cellbench_bpparam.Rd 100644 1 kb
set_cellbench_cache_path.Rd 100644 1 kb
set_cellbench_threads.Rd 100644 1 kb
split_step.Rd 100644 1 kb
strip_timing.Rd 100644 1 kb
summary.benchmark_tbl.Rd 100644 1 kb
time_methods.Rd 100644 2 kb
unpack_timing.Rd 100644 1 kb
# CellBench [![Travis build status](]( [![Coverage status](]( <img src="" width="150" /> R package for benchmarking single cell analysis methods, primarily inspired by the modelling structure used in [DSC]( # Installation ```r if (!require(remotes)) install.packages("remotes") remotes::install_github("shians/CellBench", ref = "R-3.5", build_opts = c("--no-resave-data", "--no-manual")) ``` # Introduction This package revolves around one object and one function. The `benchmark_tbl` (benchmark [tibble]( and the `apply_methods(x, methods)` function. We expect data to to be stored in lists, and we apply functions stored in lists to the data. This creates a `benchmark_tbl` where the names of the lists items are stored as columns and the final column contains the result of the computations. ```r library(CellBench) sample1 <- data.frame( x = matrix(runif(25), nrow = 5, ncol = 5) ) sample2 <- data.frame( x = matrix(runif(25), nrow = 5, ncol = 5) ) datasets <- list( sample1 = sample1, sample2 = sample2 ) transform <- list( correlation = cor, covariance = cov ) datasets %>% apply_methods(transform) ## # A tibble: 4 x 3 ## data metric result ## <fct> <fct> <list> ## 1 sample1 correlation <dbl [5 × 5]> ## 2 sample1 covariance <dbl [5 × 5]> ## 3 sample2 correlation <dbl [5 × 5]> ## 4 sample2 covariance <dbl [5 × 5]> ``` We can additionally chain method applications and this will combinatorially expand our `benchmark_tbl` so that combinations of methods can easily be computed. ```r metric <- list( mean = mean, median = median ) datasets %>% apply_methods(transform) %>% apply_methods(metric) ## # A tibble: 8 x 4 ## data transform metric result ## <fct> <fct> <fct> <dbl> ## 1 sample1 correlation mean 0.0602 ## 2 sample1 correlation median -0.0520 ## 3 sample1 covariance mean 0.00823 ## 4 sample1 covariance median -0.00219 ## 5 sample2 correlation mean 0.303 ## 6 sample2 correlation median 0.482 ## 7 sample2 covariance mean 0.0115 ## 8 sample2 covariance median 0.0132 ``` The result table is essentially a regular `tibble` and works with all `tidyverse` packages. See ```r vignette("Introduction", package = "CellBench") ``` for a more detailed introduction and example with biological data. # Features * High compatibility with dplyr and rest of tidyverse, fundamental data object can be used with dplyr verbs * Multithreading, methods can be applied in parallel # License This package is licensed under GNU General Public License v3.0 (GPL-3.0).