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## Overview
CARNIVAL (**CA**usal **R**easoning for **N**etwork identification using
**I**nteger **VAL**ue programming) is a method for the identification of
upstream reguatory signalling pathways from downstream gene expression
This is a tool currently being developed by the
[saezlab](http://saezlab.org/) members and is an extension of the
previously implemented Causal Reasoning ([*Melas et
method. More detailed information on the CARNIVAL pipeline as well as
benchmarking and applicational studies are available on following paper.
> Liu A., Trairatphisan P., Gjerga E. et al. [From expression footprints
> to causal pathways: contextualizing large signaling networks with
> CARNIVAL](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41540-019-0118-z) *npj
> Systems Biology and Applications* volume 5, Article number: 40 (2019)
> (equal contributions).
The aim of the CARNIVAL pipeline is to identify a subset of interactions
from a prior knowledge network that represent potential regulated
pathways linking known or potential targets of perturbation towards
active transcription factors derived from GEX data. The pipeline
includes a number improved functionalities comparing to the original
version and consists of the following processes:
- 1. Transcription factors’ (TFs) activities and pathway scores from
gene expressions can be inferred with our in-house tools
DoRothEA & PROGENy, respectively.
- 2. TFs’ activities and signed directed protein-protein interaction
networks with or without the provided target of perturbations
and pathway scores are then used to derive a series of linear
constraints to generate integer linear programming (ILP)
- 3. An ILP solver (IBM ILOG CPLEX) is subsequently applied to
identify the sub-network topology with minimised fitting error
and model size.
Applications of CARNIVAL include the identification of drug’s modes of
action and of deregulated processes in diseases (even if the molecular
targets remain unknown) by deciphering the alterations of main
signalling pathways as well as alternative pathways and off-target
<img src="man/figures/graphical_abstract.png" align="center" width="800">
## Getting Started
A tutorial for preparing CARNIVAL input files starting from
differentially gene expression (DEG) and for running the CARNIVAL
pipeline are provided as vignettes in R-Markdown, R-script and HTML
formats. The wrapper script “runCARNIVAL” was introduced to take input
arguments, pre-process input descriptions, run optimisation and export
results as network files and figures. Three built-in CARNIVAL examples
are also supplied as case studies for users.
### Prerequisites
CARNIVAL requires the interactive version of IBM Cplex, Gurobi or
CBC-COIN solver as the network optimiser. The IBM ILOG Cplex is freely
available through Academic Initiative
Gurobi license is also free for academics, request a license
The [CBC](https://projects.coin-or.org/Cbc) solver is open source and
freely available for any user, but has a significantly lower performance
than CPLEX or Gurobi. Obtain CBC executable directly usable for CARNIVAL
Alternatively for small networks, users can rely on the freely available
which is automatically installed with the package.
### Installation
To install the stable version from
``` r
# install from bioconductor
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
Otherwise, it is possible to install the newest version from github
``` r
# install the development version from GitHub
# install.packages("devtools")
### Inputs and Outputs of CARNIVAL
The input for CARNIVAL consists of:
- A prior knowledge network (PKN) comprises a list of signed and
directed interactions between signalling proteins. (Required)
- Inferred transcription factor activities which can be inferred from
GEX data using [DoRothEA](https://github.com/saezlab/dorothea).
- A list of target of perturbations (drugs, diseases, etc.) with or
without their effects on signalling proteins. (Optional)
- Inferred pathway scores representing signalling pathway activities
from GEX data using [PROGENy](https://github.com/saezlab/progeny)
The outcome of CARNIVAL includes the list of identified networks that
fitted to the provided experimental data as well as the predicted
activities of signalling proteins in the networks whether they are up-
or down-regulated.
## Running CARNIVAL
To obtain the list of tutorials/vignettes of the CARNIVAL package, user
can start with typing the following commmand on R-console:
``` r
## References
[Melas et
> Melas IN, Sakellaropoulos T, Iorio F, Alexopoulos L, Loh WY,
> Lauffenburger DA, Saez-Rodriguez J, Bai JPF. (2015). Identification of
> drug-specific pathways based on gene expression data: application to
> drug induced lung injury. *Integrative Biology*, Issue 7, Pages
> 904-920, <https://doi.org/10.1039/C4IB00294F>.
[DoRothEA - Garcia-Alonso et al.](https://github.com/saezlab/dorothea):
> Garcia-Alonso L, Holland CH, Ibrahim MM, Turei D, Saez-Rodriguez J.
> (2018). Benchmark and integration of resources for the estimation of
> human transcription factor activities. *Genome Research* 2019. 29:
> 1363-1375, <https://doi.org/10.1101/gr.240663.118>
[PROGENy - Schubert et al.](https://github.com/saezlab/progeny):
> Schubert M, Klinger B, Klünemann M, Sieber A, Uhlitz F, Sauer S,
> Garnett MJ, Blüthgen N, Saez-Rodriguez J. (2018).
> Perturbation-response genes reveal signaling footprints in cancer gene
> expression. *Nature Communication*, Issue 9, Nr. 20.
> <https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-017-02391-6>.
## Studies where CARNIVAL was used
> Buhl E.M. et al. [Dysregulated mesenchymal PDGFR‐β drives kidney
> fibrosis](https://www.embopress.org/doi/10.15252/emmm.201911021) *EMBO
> Mol Med (2020)e11021 doi: 10.15252/emmm.201911021*
> Binenbaum I. et. al. [Bioinformatic framework for analysis of
> transcription factor changes as the molecular link between replicative
> cellular senescence signaling pathways and
> carcinogenesis](https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s10522-020-09866-y.pdf)
> *Biogerontology doi: 10.1007/s10522-020-09866-y*
## Acknowledgement
CARNIVAL has been developed as a computational tool to analyse -omics
data within the [TransQST Consortium](https://transqst.org) and [H2020
Symbiosys ITN Training Network](https://www.h2020symbiosys.eu/).
“This project has received funding by the European Union’s H2020 program
(675585 Marie-Curie ITN ‘‘SymBioSys’’) and the Innovative Medicines
Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No 116030. The
Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon
2020 research and innovation programme and EFPIA.”