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# [BiocCheck]( --- <!-- badges: start --> [![BioC status](]( [![Platforms](]( [![Codecov test coverage](]( [![Downloads](]( <!-- badges: end --> The `BiocCheck` package provides a set of tools for checking a package against the current version of Bioconductor coding and style standards. ## Installation To install this package, start R and enter: ```r if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install("BiocCheck") ``` ## Bioconductor Guidelines The Bioconductor guidelines are available at This site provides the basis for many of the checks performed by `BiocCheck`. We encourage packages to follow these guidelines to ensure that they are of high quality and interoperate well with other Bioconductor packages. ## Usage To check a package, use the `BiocCheck::BiocCheck()` function. For example, to check the `BiocCheck` package itself, use: ```r BiocCheck::BiocCheck("BiocCheck") ``` in the directory above the source package directory. Note that the `BiocCheck` package must be installed to use this function. If you are using RStudio, you can use the `BiocCheck` addin to check a package. First, install the BiocAddins package: ```r BiocManager::install("Bioconductor/BiocAddins") ``` Then, in RStudio, click on the "Addins" menu, and select "Run BiocCheck". ## Documentation The `BiocCheck` package contains a vignette that describes the package in more detail. To view the vignette, start R and enter: ```r vignette("BiocCheck") ```