Name Mode Size
R 040000
man 040000
src 040000
tests 040000
vignettes 040000
.gitignore 100644 0 kb
DESCRIPTION 100644 1 kb
LICENSE 100644 1 kb
NAMESPACE 100644 2 kb
NEWS 100644 0 kb
README 100644 1 kb
INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: The installation has only been tested on Ubuntu so far, if you need to install on Windows or Mac additional steps might be necessary (e.g. installation of Rtools from 1) Install a recent version of R (3.2.3) from 2) Optional: For ease of use, install Rstudio from 3) Open R and install all dependencies. Please ensure that you have writing permissions to install packages. Execute the following lines one by one: install.packages("devtools") source("") biocLite("GenomicRanges") biocLite("GenomicAlignments") library(devtools) install_github("ataudt/aneufinderData") install_github("ataudt/aneufinder") # Or alternatively if the above line doesn't work: install_git("git://", branch = "master") install_git("git://", branch = "master")